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Residential Park Home Assisted Sale
Our assisted sale offers total support to help you find a buyer for your existing property so you can buy your new park home on one of our beautiful residential parks
From arranging valuations and assessing market values, to expertly managing estate agents and advising on the marketing of your property, Move+ will provide the most effortless way to sell your home. Not only Move+ will manage the entire process for you, there also be no additional selling agent fees, stress or hassle.
Step-by-step guide to how our Assisted Sale works:
Place a deposit to secure your plot and complete the Move+ application form with our experienced Sales Advisor.
Move+ will instruct local estate agents to value your property and provide a comprehensive report, including recommendations for a competitive marketing price.
Once you have agreed a realistic marketing price, Move+ will place your current property on the market.
Working alongside the selling agents and managing the communication on your behalf, Move+ will arrange weekly calls to ensure you're kept in the loop.
Move+ will manage and qualify all offers and negotiations on your behalf enabling you to have confidence in the proceedable chain to complete your reservation.
Your dedicated Sales Progressor will drive the entire sales process from start to finish until you’re ready to move into your new park home.
"I've only been on the park for a couple of months but I feel totally at home. I'm looking forward to spending the next chapter of my life on the park. It feels like I am on a permanent holiday."
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In just a few easy steps you can effortlessly move from your current property to your new residence and get started on this exciting new stage of your life.
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