Retirement is a huge milestone in our life, one that we may have been dreaming about for a very long time. With retirement however comes some big decisions, can you continue to live in your family home, can you afford to? What about maintenance of the house and garden? If many of your neighbours are still working will you find yourself lonely?

Research is critical of course; many people look into retirement villages and there is a good reason why. Here are the top reasons why you should consider a residential park home within a retirement village.

Community Spirit

Many people get enjoyment from shared activities with like-minded neighbours. A residential park home for the over 45’s allows you to meet new people who share your lifestyle. Most park homes have a thriving community spirit with regular organised trips and activities that stop residents becoming lonely and isolated. If you want to retire but keep active and social, a park home could be for you.

Value for Money

As park homes are generally less expensive than traditional brick and mortar properties you can get more for your money and release funds for other things in life. Residents often use these funds for new cars, travelling, to help their families or just to have more money on a day to day basis.

A Peaceful Life

Residential parks with an age restriction of 45 plus are quiet and peaceful, offering a relaxing environment in which to enjoy your retirement. Children are restricted to visits only and some parks are pet free zones. Whichever Park you choose the parks are small enough for people to know each other. Some residents are more involved than others, the choice is yours but either way the environment is quiet, safe, and secure.

Save Money

Park homes are designed to be low maintenance and are super insulated which makes them low cost to keep in tip top condition and keep warm. Lists of annoying DIY jobs are no more, residents get to spend their time enjoying the life they worked so hard for.

Location, Location, Location

Choosing a park home allows you to live somewhere you have always dreamed of. You can choose between coast and countryside, live near to the grandchildren or even on the same park as good friends. Retirement gives you the freedom to choose and what fun you can have doing it? You can use our Park Finder Search to start the hunt for your perfect park home today.

If you are interested in retirement living on one of our residential parks, get in touch with a member of our friendly team today.  You can also ring us on 01933 770717 or email us on [email protected]

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